ReBlood, a multinational group, recently announced its entry into the AI wave, investing tens of millions of New Taiwan dollars to introduce Yushan AI. The implementation of this offline edge AI will be utilized in the future to establish automated production laboratories and frontend intelligent consultation services, while also enhancing the protection of member privacy and heritage needs. This move marks a significant advancement for ReBlood in technology innovation, aiming to enhance its integration capabilities in the AI healthcare and wellness sector.
The ReBlood Group was established in Tainan by CEO Sean Chen, who has long assisted businesses in their multinational expansions and family inheritances. In facing health and aging succession issues across different industries, the group integrates the latest biotechnology and has gained the trust and support of many well-known corporate clients. In addition to committing to the application of the cellular industry in preventive medicine, precision medicine, and regenerative medicine, it also aims to build a personalized health platform to help clients better understand and manage their health conditions.
ReBlood's mission is not only to improve the problem of human aging but also to consider the issues of sustainable health for people and the environment since its inception. Therefore, in addition to deeply embedding itself in the health platform, the ReBlood Group also offers high-end family financial integration planning. It responds to various investment topics aligned with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), such as investing in green energy to create project plans for "longevity," aiming to generate carbon reduction and shared benefits for well-being.
With the advent of the AI era, the Coherent Market Insights report predicts that the global artificial intelligence biotechnology market will be valued at $2.1 billion in 2024, and is expected to reach $7.11 billion by 2031, with a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 19% from 2024 to 2031. Artificial intelligence has the potential to fundamentally transform various processes in biotechnology, lowering manufacturing costs and facilitating the flourishing of precision medicine. However, how to manage personal data privacy has become a concern that comes along with it.
目前市場上多數生成式 AI 服務主要依賴 Google、Meta、微軟等大公司提供的大語言模型,這些模型通常通過雲端服務進行存取。這樣的做法具有高精準度,能夠節省大量的訓練和開發時間,讓服務商能夠快速將產品推向市場。然而,在一些特殊環境中如健康、財務等機密性的隱私資訊上,原本的便利性可能會帶來隱私外洩的風險,因此,企業選擇自建離線"地端" 生成式模型,才能保障客戶資料的安全。
本次採購的 Yushan AI 是一款先進的人工智慧系統,專為大數據分析和機器學習設計。Yushan AI 由台灣領先的人工智慧公司研發,具備高度靈活性和可擴展性。其強大的處理能力和先進的算法,能夠快速解析並分析龐大的數據集,提供精確且深入的洞察,這對於AI醫療健康數據的分析和預測尤為重要。通過與 ReBlood 現有的技術基礎設施相結合,Yushan AI 將能夠地端處理大量複雜的數據,從而提供更深入的健康洞察和預測。
ReBlood 集團的命名是源於從自體血液經揀選最年輕細胞,培養放大後回輸回自己身體,在臨床上看見自癒力重生後起到極大健康幫助而命名。 ReBlood 的執行長 Sean 表示「引入 Yushan AI 是我們朝向資本上市戰略發展的重要一步。這將大大提升我們為高端會員提供健康和財務資訊的隱私保護,讓我們能夠提供更高品質的精準服務。」他還強調,這一離線 AI 的投資,能推動集團在「再生醫學生技服務」與「整合綠電商模」下,更鞏固其市場領導地位。
Yushan.AI Corp 暨墨石資本董事長張義發說:「Yushan AI 是一家美國與台灣的大語言基礎模型的 AI 公司,通過這次與 ReBlood 合作,我們希望能進一步推動 AI 技術的發展,並在醫療健康領域帶來創新和變革。」 總結來說,ReBlood 跨國集團斥資新台幣 1000 多萬元導入 Yushan AI,展示了其在推動科技進步和提升產品服務質量與隱私加密方面的堅定承諾。此次導入 Yushan AI 只是一個開始,未來,隨著人工智慧技術的進一步發展,ReBlood 將投入更多的資金與資源有望在健康數據分析領域取得更多突破,為全球用戶提供更加先進和可靠的健康管理解決方案。
ReBlood集團 是一家專注於全球高齡化、少子化,隨之而來的健康、長壽、財務、以及對衍生性的問題提供創新思維的服務公司。通過整合健康管理相關之預防醫學、精準醫學、再生醫學等技術服務與解決方案提供;致力於協助客戶及其家族一同達成「健康、喜樂、呷百二(長壽)」的願景。
Yushan.AI是一家專注於提供地端人工智慧大語言 Transformer 模型解決方案的技術公司。通過結合先進的人工智慧技術和地端處理能力,Yushan AI 致力於為客戶提供安全可靠的 AI 服務解決方案,解決因為連線 AI 可能導致資訊安全等重要問題。
營業時間:週一至週五 8:30 - 17:30
Copyright © 2025 ReBlood Inc.